According to a recent OfficeVibe survey, 63% of employees believe they don’t receive enough recognition, and 32% of workers say they must wait more than three months to hear from their supervisor. A lot of problems in business happen when employees aren’t recognized or when feedback is given slowly. A lot of the time, management is too busy to properly praise workers when they do a good job or give them feedback right away.

Luckily, there is a way out: software that tracks employee success. Also, you don’t want to use software for managing employee success that is slow and doesn’t work well. So, with that in mind, here are four things that the best software for managing staff performance should have.

Reports on performance

It is necessary to set up software for managing employee success that gives thorough reports. This stops employees from having to wait too long for the feedback they want and also makes it easier for management to keep a close eye on how employees are doing. A lot of the time, this software for keeping an eye on employees comes with data analysis tools that let you see the data in the form of tables and graphs and give you measures like predicted performance.

Feedback from Every Angle

Employees want to provide feedback they wish to receive. Using employee management performance software with 360-degree feedback allows individuals to provide and receive feedback from supervisors, subordinates, and other coworkers. This is helpful because the feedback would cover more than just job skills and competencies. It would also cover skills that aren’t directly related to the job, like communication, leading style, and attitude. It would be even better if the feedback could be kept anonymous, which would encourage workers to be more honest in their assessments. Along with job reviews, this works well because workers get feedback from more than one person, not just their bosses.


It makes logical sense for employees to judge themselves since they will be judged by their superiors, peers, and direct reports. The projects and tasks that users have completed can be rated and reviewed. Their scores can then be compared to the results of their performance reviews and 360-degree feedback reports. It might change how they think about their own skills, like pushing them to work harder if they thought too highly of themselves or giving them a break if they didn’t think they were good enough. This process would also help them learn more about themselves and become more involved because they are taking part in the review.

Help with setting goals

Setting goals is an important part of employee monitoring software for managing employee performance, but don’t forget about the other tools for evaluation. When workers think about the future, they like having something to aim for.

This is especially true if the employees assist in choosing their own objectives. Additionally, it provides management and HR with a practical means of monitoring staff members and ensuring that they understand expectations. Whether they are for an individual or a team, setting and displaying goals can help workers become more productive and accomplish their objectives.

Final Words

One of the best pieces of software for managing employee performance is one that lets you make performance reviews, get input from all sides, do self-evaluations, and set and track goals.