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What Is Office Peacocking? (Image Source: Pixabay)

Gone are the days when your workstations are portrayed as places far from the home. Now, the trends are in favour of employees. To a certain extent, Covid has played an important role. But are we aware with the new trends that are gaining momentum?

In today’s time, the post-COVID work environment, where employees have settled into permanent work-from-home setups, there’s a noticeable absence of the buzz and social interactions that come with being in a physical office space.

What Has Changed Now?As most of us have adjusted to virtual meetings and home-based workstations, there is a high chance that we may have lost the sense of camaraderie and networking that used to happen naturally in an office setting during the pre-COVID era.

Emergence Of Office Peacocking

The aftermath of COVID-19, a term that is gaining momentum in the corporate world is ‘office peacocking’.

The term that has emerged now and holds a significant position, sheds light on the subtleties of office culture and interpersonal dynamics.

What Is Office Peacocking?

Now, the question that may triggered you at the time, is what is Office Peacocking? Now, imagine a picture of walking into an office where your colleague has a distinct style, workspace setup, and way of interacting.

This is the space where ‘office peacocking’ comes into the scene. If we go to the definition, Office peacocking involves drawing attention to oneself through intentional displays of personal style, attitude, or behavior in a professional setting.

Now, another question that may be stirred up to you is how office peacocking manifests? If so, read on further.

Here below are the common ways in which you can easily find how office peacocking manifests.

Different Dressing Setup

Some individuals use their clothing choices to make a statement and this is may chance encountered by you. It includes vibrant colours, eye-catching accessories, or unconventional attire, and many more.

Promoting Yourself

Another form of office peacocking is when you frequently highlight your achievements, portraying your work, and emphasizing your role value within the organization.

Communication Style

Speaking confidently to ensure that your voice and ideas are noticed is also a form of peacocking.

There are more ways in which you can recognise office peacocking.